Why does a wide format photo printer print car stickers appear arching?

Why does a wide format photo printer print car stickers appear arching?

The car sticker is used for inkjet printing on the body. This inkjet is characterized by good adhesion and resistance to light. At present, car stickers have become the mainstream products of outdoor advertising, and it can be seen almost in buses, private cars, and subways.

 wide format photo printer

When it comes to car stickers, its arching phenomenon is one of the most common problems with car stickers. The phenomenon of car stickers arching is mainly caused by the following aspects:

 wide format photo printer
1. The sensitivity of the car sticker to moisture. The base paper of single-sided PE, if the product storage environment is too different from the photo printer operation environment, it will be more likely to absorb water or lose water, which will cause the bottom paper to arch when printing the printed car.

2. The car sticker stays on the print-heated photo printer for too long. The temperature setting of the car sticker during the printing process is too high or the expansion ratio of the backing paper and the mask is inconsistent, which may also cause the car to be arched.

 wide format photo printer
No matter which of the above conditions causes the arching of the car stickers, it can be solved in this way: after the car stickers are taken out from the low temperature, they are placed in the printing environment of the eco solvent printer for more than 24 hours, so that the car stickers can reach a stable state before the ink-jet printing. At the same time, after printing, the car stickers are also placed in the printing environment, natural cooling for at least 6 hours, so that the car stickers can completely avoid the phenomenon of arching.

More info:
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Whatsapp: +86 18851084450
E-mail: janezhang940213@gmail.com

