What is the working principle of high-spray high-drop UV printing?

What is the working principle of high-spray high-drop UV printing?

What is the working principle of high-drop UV printing on the market? 

 UV printing
There are two types of printheads: Ricoh light printhead and Ricoh G5 head. Other manufacturers use Toshiba. CF3 printhead, the main working principle of high-spray machine is mainly related to the ignition evaluation rate of the nozzle and the working voltage of the printhead. The high-spraying agent is actually the same as the Toshiba UV flatbed printer with the smart printing of the big friend.

It is also possible. Ink and motherboard controlled printhead voltage to achieve high drop UV printing.

 UV printing
1. High inkjet water is definitely different from ordinary UV ink, high inkjet water viscosity is more dense and higher, so as to achieve a higher distance under high voltage It will not disperse ink.

2 .Followed by the voltage of the main board, and the manual setting of the nozzle voltage is relatively high, so that the nozzle is overclocked. However, there is a drawback in that the life of the nozzle of the UV printer is reduced.

In short, although the high-spray machine can print irregular products with large drop, the life of the nozzle is relatively affected.
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